Echo Chambers (Cohorts with Agendas) 2 topics

We see it every day. Democrats vs. Republicans, young vs. old..whatever side you are on, do you listen and understand the opposition? Is it important to know what they are saying, or is your way the right way always? Gain insight into how your opponents think and why they think the way they do. In this section, we expose the underlying causes of agendas, why all systemic solutions must be multi-variate, and how to mediate the most tangled communications and assumptions of various social echo chambers.

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Re: Masks On a Plane
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Tech-Talk Hype (STEM Issues) 2 topics

Technology is a systemic amplifier of all human thought and action. As such, understanding what is "real" versus what is over-hyped is critical for people of every walk of life. All technologies embed elements of goodness and evil, so the decision on which technologies to pursue and apply to daily life must not be held only in the hands of a tiny group of controlling elites. Here, we assess and discuss the current and future dangers of technology and how we must deal with its effects in a humanly-systainable manner.

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Password Policy: Smart People ...
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Re: The Truth About Robots

Persona Central (Individual Identity and Will) 2 topics

This section illuminates the inner self and its relation to the external environment, using key concepts from Human Systemics. Here you'll find systemic interpretations of al sorts of dysfunction, such as depression, PTSD, phobias, self-hate, narcissism, passive-aggressive behavior, etc.

System dynamics is able to peek under the surface of behavioral elements to identify both positive and negative potentials within you. With this self-knowing, real progress can be made in building empathy, better communications, and self-esteem and coping personas, thus reducing outcomes of humiliation, conflict, and personal anxiety.

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Re: We're All Mongrels
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Re: Intelligence vs Destiny
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Do The Right Thing (Systemic Ethics and Morality) 2 topics

Systemic ethics is a much-needed rigorous re-definition of ethics (ought-ness) and morality (do-ness). This re-framing of human norms and imperatives brings ethics up to date to match the rapid growth of technology, media, law, and psychology, all of which have outstripped the ability of purely traditional ethics to keep up with modern attacks on what it means to live a moral human life.

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Re: A Better Golden Rule
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Systemic Morality Yields Harmo ...

Zhopas and Heroes (Systemic Assays and Activism) 1 topic

The victor writes history..but the so-called leaders of historical events are seldom the true heroes. That distinction goes to the hidden heroes who in their everyday lives have sacrificed money, career, and even death to make a positive difference in systemic change in a toxic system or environment. Here, we ignore the pedestals formed of media hype, and go behind the scenes to bring you a pantheon of our true lesser-known systemic heroes.
This section also names names of those who we tag as systemic zhopas, an apt Russian word that combines the negative aspects of a number of English words, such as inept, clownish, vicious, and plain stupid into a perfect description of those who ruin the lives of others because they can't stay in their lane and lack any sense of remorse as they cast their evil net.

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Re: Who Gets the Statue?
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Policy Madness (Institutional Systemic Stupidity) No topics

The vast majority of deadly outcomes throughout history have come at the hands of bad policy formed and enforced by entitled elites. These policies are most often produced by the best and brightest, and accepted by common people due to intimidation or expert fallacy, thus creating the toxic irony of massively stupid policy produced by otherwise smart people.
This section explores and explains the source of this irony, and how we can oppose and even eliminate it, as Human Systemics gives us systemic insight into the dynamics and roles that must be changed to achieve real sys-tainable improvements in outcomes for people.

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Fundamentals of Human Systemics 1 topic

All human interactions are transactional. Systems calculate the sum of all human transactions, creating either healthy growth or conflict and violence. As the underlying system dynamics render the trillions of feedback loops in these interactions between humans and their environments, Human Systemics gives us a microscope into true root causes of conflicts and/or healthy outcomes and shows us how to "sys-tainably" correct dysfunction and ensure healthier outcomes.
This section explores the science, methodology, and techniques behind Human Systemics. These are key to understanding the often-counterintuitive findings in all other topics in this community.

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System Dynamics Is Practical

Tiny Time Travellers (Parenting, Children, and Upbringing) 1 topic

When we look at the infants of today, they are the adults of tomorrow. The influences they are surrounded with as they progress from womb to early competency drives the future of society in very predictable ways, hence the "time travelers". In this section, we talk about systemically-healthy parenting and child development, and how social failures breeds future criminals and dysfunctional adults. Here, you'll find and discuss the elements for giving children, parents, friends and family, schools, and religious institutions the scientific yet practical means of increasing the future health of community and society and preventing future violence.

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Re: Daddy Hold Your Babies
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Better Truths (Sources, Evidence and Critical Thinking) No topics

Systemically, the meaning of "better truths" is the recognition of correct patterns in complex systems, finding best sources, using scientific method and critical thinking, proving theories of behavior, and measuring opportunities and outcomes for common people.

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Meme Lenses and Otherization (The Behavioral Roots of Unhealthy Conflict) 1 topic

Human behaviors hard-wired into the way we interact with friends and strangers are the drivers behind both peace and war. Understanding those dynamics and how to systemically address better modes of thought and action is key to delivering on the desire for a better world. This section is the Human Systemics key to making the everyday choice between a harmonious future for humans or the very real possibility of ending it completely.

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Re: Toxic Encounters

Socio-Systemics (Socio-Cultural Imperatives and Myths of Entitled Elites) 4 topics

Socio-systemics covers those issues common to all societies, from cultural and ethnic imperatives, to racism, governance, echo chambers, protest movements, power dynamics, entitled elites, and the big issue of otherization.

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The 5/80 Rule
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Xi Jinping Thought
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Who Shot the Teacher?

Life Loops (Systemic Meta-Fitness - Physical, Mental, Spiritual) 2 topics

This section applies systemics to how to live a better life, i.e. becoming more successful on your terms, dealing with setbacks, developing healthy personas, and prioritizing the basic, simple techniques that can be practiced to be a better entrepreneur, intrapreneur, or volunteer.

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Mental Health and Well-Being
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Re: The Way Forward

Market Monsters (Business and Economy Issues) 1 topic

This section covers all areas of business, financials, international markets, entrepreneurship and economic policy. Discussions take a systemic point of view to the issues, thus apolitical yet opposed to single-factor agendas, disinformation, and demagoguery.

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Re: Corporations Are Not People
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He-Said She-Said (Relationships) 1 topic

Relationships are built on empathy, communications, and trust. Every human interaction is fundamentally transactional, and each party has an expectation of value given and received. When that value proposition is broken, so does the relationship break. Successful relationships are those where the transactions are in balance and sustained.

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Re: Marriage Killers
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