We're All Mongrels
Quiz: How many genes determine your race?
Phenotype is what LOOKS like race, but genotype is the real truth and says everyone is 99.9% the same. No matter what your appearance, we’re all MONGRELS, and we ALL have melanin!
Race is a social construct, plain and simple, great for people with control agendas. That’s one thing Critical Race Theory gets right! As for race-blaming, just say “NO”.
Genetic Truth:
Your phenotype may lead you and others to believe you are a certain race, but your DNA says that we’re all mongrels. 99.9% of our DNA is identical among all humans, in spite of what your phenotype makes you think.
Race is a social construct, plain and simple. It’s used by the power elite and their enablers to control and manipulate. Just like a dollar bill, which has no intrinsic value at all, race as a concept has no intrinsic value except to get regular common people to believe in it to advance their own interests.
The one-drop rule that used racial classifications to segregate our society was nonsense from the get-go, just as it is today
- 0
- 5 (White, Black, Asian, Native American…)
- 22
- 42 (The number of races on all continents?)
- 900+
Phenotype is what LOOKS like race, but genotype is the real truth and says everyone is 99.9% the same. No matter what your appearance, we’re all MONGRELS, and we ALL have melanin!
Race is a social construct, plain and simple, great for people with control agendas. That’s one thing Critical Race Theory gets right! As for race-blaming, just say “NO”.
Genetic Truth:
- Genes for skin color: 378
- Genes for hair color: 22
- Genes for eye color: 10
- Genes for hair type: 17
Your phenotype may lead you and others to believe you are a certain race, but your DNA says that we’re all mongrels. 99.9% of our DNA is identical among all humans, in spite of what your phenotype makes you think.
Race is a social construct, plain and simple. It’s used by the power elite and their enablers to control and manipulate. Just like a dollar bill, which has no intrinsic value at all, race as a concept has no intrinsic value except to get regular common people to believe in it to advance their own interests.
The one-drop rule that used racial classifications to segregate our society was nonsense from the get-go, just as it is today
- Marilyn
- Visitor


- Anonymous
- Visitor


I'm not familiar with the number of genes, but I definitely believe that culturally and spiritually we are all different despite of the color of our skin. The more cultural diversity we are inheriting the better for our sanity. The nationalism and racism, white and black, came from the fact of low culture and low spirituality.
Reply to Anonymous
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